CEP Webcast 2: Exploration of the Flash Crash of May 6 with Sybase, Panopticon, and Quantia Analytics
Sign up for this exciting presentation through our partner Sybase:
June 24, 2010
Sybase Webcast Registration
Join us for a fascinating exploration of tick data from the flash crash of May 6. You will be walked through analysis that leverages Sybase’s Aleri Streaming Platform, showing the early clues and unusual data points that popped up in the minutes and seconds before the meltdown at 1437. The Sybase Aleri Streaming Platform captured it. Sybase is pleased to co-present with Panopticon, and Quantia Analytics®. You will see the events leading to the May 6 flash crash with Panopticon’s advanced data visualization, driven by real-time analytics from Quantia’s TrueTick™.